Does Paintball Hurt?

Does It Hurt To Get Hit By A Paintball? 

Paintballs fly at just under 300 feet per second during normal paintball games at playing parks and fields around the world.

So, the natural question to ask is this: Does Paintball Hurt?

The simplest answer is no, as long as you are careful, it won’t hurt to get hit by a paintball. While most adults — and many tougher young players — report that while they can feel it, the impact of a paintball does not hurt or sting, still, when being marked at close range by an opponent or by leaving bare skin exposed, some players may not like the feeling very much. That’s where protective equipment and a number of other common sense precautions come in.

As with any active game or sport, it’s important to take reasonable precautions to make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.

Luckily, professionally-operated paintball parks and fields ensure that referees and safety personnel oversee all games so it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.

Play paintball in a venue that’s supervised by professional referees and safety personnel .

Professional referees and safety personnel will always ensure that:

  • Paintball safety devices are used at all times. Everybody wears a mask or goggles
  • Paintball rules are observed and followed
  • Paintball players have adequate protective equipment for the sport
  • Paintball players maintain a safe distance
  • Paintball players avoid those up-close-and-personal shots that could lead to painful impacts.

Play paintball using the appropriate equipment.

Here’s what else you can do to make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball:

  • Paintball players are encouraged to cover any bare skin with clothing, gloves, bandannas, hats and long pants
  • Paintball players are encouraged to wear layers of clothing (if the weather allows) to help absorb the impact of an incoming paintball
  • Paintball players are encouraged to wear extra padding around sensitive areas such as the hands, neck, thighs, or top of the head
  • Paintball players should always use proper paintball masks and goggles which offer vital protection and can help ensure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.


Check out the latest in paintball technology.

Keeping up to date with what’s new in the paintball world can help ensure that it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball. For example:

  • Recently, a “low-impact” style of paintball has been released that uses smaller, .50 caliber paintballs that land with much lower impact then traditional paintball ammo, taking the “sting” completely out of the game and allowing everyone to focus on the fun. These are especially useful for younger kids who want to get involved in paintball and make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.


Use safe strategies whenever you play paintball.

Here are some more tips to help you make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball:

  • Work with your team to develop safe game strategies that will help to make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.
  • Practice, and teach your kids to practice getting hit at an angle rather than straight-on. A player who keeps moving and pays close attention to where opponents’ shots are coming from can change body positions to make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.
  • Make sure the rules of your game include the option to “surrender” if a player is in danger of being pelted by multiple hits from an opponent at close range.
  • As with all sports and games, follow the rules to make sure it doesn’t hurt to get hit by a paintball.
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